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Volunteer with us as a LifeGuard!

All of our volunteers are called LifeGuards. They dedicate themselves to living the joy of the Gospel through ministry of compassionate presence and humble service. There are many ways to assist us at the Gospel of Life Dwellings in its ministry to older adults.

Get in touch

If you are interested in volunteering, it is very easy to join us. We have a very simple interest form here that will automatically be forwarded to one of our LifeGuard Coordinators.


Gospel of Life School

The Gospel of Life School Missionary Disciples model their lives and ministry on Jesus Christ. We live together as a family, caring for our elder brothers and sisters, rich in years and experience. We are committed to regular prayer, with a special devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist who resides in a chapel at each Dwelling. We journey with each other, walking together in community as brothers and sisters in the Lord. We also have fun together, enjoying each other’s company and sharing in the joy that only life in the Holy Spirit can give.

If you would like talk to someone about the Gospel of Life School, please contact our Discipleship Director: David Harrison david@gospeloflifedisciples.org

Help us with groundskeeping 

If you have an affinity for lawn care, we can use your talents!

 Photos: Linda Schaefer